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Thank you viewing my site.

I've taken light and motion to create visual landscapes with vivid colors, designs, symbols and textures not seen in other formats. All pieces are original pictures, no effects or filters. I kept it simple but I'm certain others can take my art to many levels. I'm open to working with other artists to create new pieces. I'd also like to use my art in all commercial formats. I have over 300 finished pieces and can create many more. It looks best in big prints where the details of things not seen before can be revealed. I've worked since the dawn of the digital cameras to achieve something new and unique and I feel I have just scratched the surface of what can be possible in a new art form. Thank you for your support. Peace.


It's best to send your order to my email for a better price and other pay options, such as Zelle and Cash app. Please use the numbers on the print and time frame from slideshow for orders.

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